Floyd’s Physio Story

Floyd is 4 years old and just before his 4th birthday everything seem to change.

We came home one evening and Floyd came running to us crying out in pain and holding his front right leg up, we rushed to the out of hours vets.

The vet did not give us any diagnosis only that Floyd could of “pulled a muscle”, he gave Floyd pain killers and anti-inflammatory tablets and said he will be fine…

We headed home and made Floyd comfy.

The next day was even worse, coming downstairs in the morning to Floyd not been able to walk at all. His paws were knuckling, and he just couldn’t stand at all. Off back to the vets we went…

The vet checked Floyd all over and told us there was nothing at all he could do for him from this point, as you can imagine this was heart-breaking for us to hear. The vet suggested we saw a neurology specialist as soon as possible for a MRI scan, of course this did not come cheap (£3800.00) if

Floyd needed an operation it would have been around 10k in total!

Something just didn’t sit right with us, we opt to keep Floyd on the pain killers and anti-inflammatory medication for 1-2 weeks, along with 100% crate rest, within 1 week Floyd got stronger and slowly started to find his feet again, very wobbly due to the medication so we slowly weened him off it.

I searched everywhere for a physiotherapy and after many knock backs, we found Karen!

Karen came to our house to see Floyd and the rest is history. Karen worked so well with Floyd, helped him regain feeling in his feet, build his muscles and most of all give him the best massages. Karen gave Floyd some good exercises to work on at home, which we enjoyed doing.

We have just been discharged and we couldn’t thank Karen enough, Floyd is just like his old self again and has regained all his muscles, he is also managing 3+ mile walks without any issues!

Karen has been amazing throughout and has given Floyd a new lease of life.


Meg's Story